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Autonomous Capital 

Please allow us to show you a new oppurtunity in the world of robotics. 

The program Autonomous Capital will use funds to procure robotic technology from suppliers.  Once accquired, this is technology will be placed in host company locations that pay Futures R&D for its use. A portion of this payment will support Futures R&D and the remaining ammount will flow back to the investors as their Return On Investiment.


From investors back to investors.

Futures Funding Flow.JPG

The image above shows the cycle of money as it flows from party to party facilitated by Futures R&D. Essentially, we work with every step of this process to insure a smooth transition of finances and materials.  

Here are some of our plans.

Futures planning image.JPG

Building our network for invester benefit.

Connecting with the best.

We want to work with as many companies in the Robots as a Service business as possible. This will allow us to ensure the robots we purchase have a place to work. So, if you are a robotics supplying business, please feel free to reachout to Futures R&D to connect and partner. 

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